Can Air Purifiers Cause Headaches? Important Facts

If you’ve ever been using an air purifier and found that you suddenly have a headache, you’re not alone. There are a lot of people who report feeling headaches when they use air purifiers. But is it true that air purifiers can cause headaches? The answer is a little complicated.

Some air purifiers definitely do not cause headaches. In fact, they can actually help to relieve headaches by improving the quality of the air.

However, some air purifiers can cause headaches. These air purifiers usually release ozone, which can trigger headaches in some people. So if you’re wondering if air purifiers can cause headaches, the answer is yes, but only some types of air purifiers.

If you’re concerned about headaches, make sure to choose an air purifier that doesn’t release ozone.

Can Air Purifiers Cause Headaches? Common Reasons

Here, we are going to talk about specific air purifiers that can cause headaches and the reasons why they might do so.

Ozone Generators

The most common reason that air purifiers can cause headaches is because they release ozone. Ozone is a gas found in the upper atmosphere and has some beneficial qualities. For example, it helps to filter out UV rays from the sun.

However, ozone can also be harmful to human beings when it is present at ground level. When ozone is present at ground level, it can trigger headaches in some people.

So if you’re using an air purifier that releases ozone, there’s a chance that it could be causing your headaches. To avoid this, make sure to choose an air purifier that doesn’t release ozone.

High Noise Level

Another reason that air purifiers can cause headaches is because they can be very noisy. If you’re using an air purifier that is very loud, it could be causing your headaches. To avoid this, make sure to choose an air purifier that is not too loud.

Burn Plastic Smell

Finally, some people may find that the smell of some air purifiers can cause headaches. This is usually not a problem with high-quality air purifiers, but it can be a problem with lower-quality models. If you’re concerned about this, make sure to choose an air purifier that doesn’t have a strong smell.

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CO2 Emission

One of the main reasons for this is that they can cause the air in a room to become too saturated with oxygen. When this happens, the blood oxygen level drops, which can lead to headaches.

Additionally, air purifiers can cause a build-up of carbon dioxide if windows are not opened or if the room is small and poorly ventilated. This can also lead to headaches and other symptoms like dizziness and nausea.

If you’re using an air purifier and suffering from frequent headaches, it’s worth considering whether the purifier is to blame.

Formaldehyde Concentration

One possible explanation is that air purifiers can generate high levels of formaldehyde, a known irritant. Formaldehyde is often used as a preservative in cosmetics, fabrics, and other household products. It can cause burning eyes, respiratory irritation, and headaches when released into the air. 

Do Air Purifiers Cause Migraines?

Some studies have found that the use of air purifiers can trigger headaches in a small percentage of the population. However, it’s unclear whether the purifiers are actually causing the migraines or if they are simply exacerbating existing conditions.

There are a number of possible explanations for how air purifiers could trigger migraines. For example, some purifiers emit small amounts of ozone, which has been linked to headaches.

Additionally, the circulating air from some purifiers can dry out sinuses and trigger pain. If you suffer from migraines, it’s worth experimenting with an air purifier to see if it worsens your condition.

You may also want to consult with a headache specialist to find out if there are other possible triggers you should be aware of.

Useful Tips To Avoid Headaches Caused By Air Purifiers

If you’re concerned about air purifiers causing headaches, you can do a few things to reduce the risk.

Avoid Low Quality Air Purifiers

One of the most common problems is using a low quality air purifier. These purifiers often generate ozone, which can be harmful to the lungs and cause headaches.

Additionally, many budget air purifiers are not powerful enough to remove all the contaminants from the air, meaning that they can make the air quality worse.

When selecting an air purifier, it is important to choose one that is high quality and rated for the specific needs of the home.

Replace Dirty Air Filters Regularly

Additionally, it is important to keep the air purifier clean. A dirty filter can reduce the effectiveness of the purifier and can cause headaches by allowing pollutants to build up in the air. Regularly replacing or cleaning the filter can help to avoid this problem.

Moreover, it is important to position the air purifier correctly. If placed too close to the head, it can circulate pollutants around rather than remove them from the air.

Place the purifier at least three feet away from where people will be sitting or sleeping to ensure that clean air is distributed evenly throughout the room.

Avoid Negative Ion Generators

Negative ion generators are air purifiers that release negative ions into the air. These negative ions are thought to help remove pollutants from the air, but they can also cause headaches in some people.

If your air purifier is causing headaches, try avoiding negative ion generators. Instead, look for an air purifier with a HEPA filter. HEPA filters are effective at removing pollutants from the air, and they don’t produce negative ions.

Another option is to use an air purifier with activated carbon filters. Activated carbon filters are made from charcoal and are effective at absorbing odors and VOCs.

If you’re using an air purifier to improve the air quality in your home, make sure to choose an option that won’t cause headaches.

Can Air Purifiers Cause Headaches

Air Purifier Should You Get For Headaches

If you are someone who suffers from frequent headaches, finding the right air purifier can make a significant difference in your quality of life. There are several types of air purifiers on the market, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Here is a breakdown of the different types of air purifiers and whether or not they are suitable for relieving headaches:

HEPA Air Purifier:

A HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Arresting) air purifier is a type of air purifier that uses a filter to capture 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns in size. These particles include dust, pollen, mold spores, and other allergens that can trigger headaches.

A HEPA air purifier is a great choice for relieving headaches because it effectively removes these irritants from the air.


A deodorizer is a type of air purifier that uses a filter or chemical to neutralize odors in the air. While deodorizers can be effective at eliminating unpleasant odors, they do not remove the particles that can trigger headaches. Therefore, a deodorizer is not a suitable choice for relieving headaches.

UVGI cleaner:

UVGI (Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation) cleaners use ultraviolet light to kill microorganisms in the air. While UVGI cleaners can be effective at reducing the amount of mold and bacteria in the air, they do not remove allergens or other particles that can trigger headaches.

Therefore, whether or not a UVGI cleaner is suitable for relieving headaches depends on the specific cause of your headaches.

Ionic Air Purifier:

An ionic air purifier uses an electrical charge to create ions, which are then released into the air. These ions attach to particles, causing them to become heavier and fall out of the air.

While ionic air purifiers can be effective at removing some particles from the air, they are not as effective as HEPA air purifiers at removing allergens and other irritants that can trigger headaches.

Therefore, whether or not an ionic air purifier is suitable for relieving headaches depends on the specific cause of your headaches.

Electrostatic Precipitators:

An electrostatic precipitator is a type of air purifier that uses an electrical charge to attract and capture particles in the air. These particles are then collected on an oppositely charged surface.

Electrostatic precipitators can be effective at removing some particles from the air, but they are not as effective as HEPA air purifiers at removing allergens and other irritants that can trigger headaches.

Therefore, whether or not an electrostatic precipitator is suitable for relieving headaches depends on the specific cause of your headaches.

Ozone Generator:

An ozone generator is a type of air purifier that produces ozone, which is a type of oxygen molecule that is highly reactive and can react with other molecules in the air.

While ozone generators can be effective at eliminating odors and some types of bacteria and viruses, they can also be harmful to humans and animals.

Ozone generators have been shown to cause respiratory problems and can trigger headaches in some individuals. Therefore, it is not recommended to use an ozone generator for relieving headaches.

Final Words

if you are looking for an air purifier to relieve headaches, your best choice is a HEPA air purifier. A HEPA air purifier is effective at removing allergens and other irritants from the air, which can help reduce the frequency and severity of headaches.

Other types of air purifiers, such as deodorizers, UVGI cleaners, ionic air purifiers, electrostatic precipitators, and ozone generators may be less effective at relieving headaches or may evenRegenerate response

Kristen Park - Specialised Content Writer for Caresh Fresh

My name is Kristen Park and I am a senior writer specialising in how-to guides and home cleaning information at Cares Fresh. As a researcher, I take pride in digging deep to find every small detail on a topic and explaining it in a way that is easy for the reader to understand.