How To Get Rid Of Crayon Smell In Car in 2023

Have you ever stepped into your car only to be greeted by a strong and distinctive smell reminiscent of crayons? If so, you’re not alone. The pervasive odor that often permeates vehicles can be attributed to thermoplastic adhesives used in specific areas of the car to seal or dampen sound. 

These adhesives are commonly found in the trunk, rear dash, and beneath the interior carpet. However, if not properly handled, the resulting odor can be quite irritating. 

In this article, we aim to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to effectively eliminate the crayon smell from your car. 

By following the recommended steps, including the removal of excess adhesives, changing air filters, and utilizing car air fresheners or air purifiers, you can bid farewell to the unwanted fragrance and restore a pleasant environment to your vehicle. 

Additionally, we’ll explore why certain car brands such as BMW, Mercedes, Toyota, Volvo, and Volkswagen tend to exhibit this distinct aldehydic aroma associated with crayons. 

Furthermore, we’ll delve into recent research that identifies a specific material in the trunk, positioned above the rear shock mounts, as the primary culprit behind the notorious crayon smell. 

Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be equipped to tackle the issue head-on and enjoy a fresh and inviting car interior once again.

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How To Get Rid Of Crayon Smell In Car

How To Get Rid Of Crayon Smell In Car

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to eliminate the crayon smell and enjoy a fresh-smelling car interior. In this article, we will guide you through the process of eliminating the crayon smell effectively.

Step 1: Remove Excess Thermoplastic Adhesives

The primary source of the crayon smell is the thermoplastic adhesives used as insulators in various parts of the car. Start by identifying the affected areas, typically behind the carpet or along the sides of the trunk. Gently remove any excess thermoplastics from these areas to reduce the odor.

Step 2: Replace Sound Deadeners with Thermal Insulators

Sound deadeners in the backseat and rear speaker deck often contain thermoplastic adhesives that contribute to the crayon smell. Consider replacing them with thermal insulators like dynamat or dynaliner, which can help eliminate the odor and provide better insulation.

Step 3: Ensure Sufficient Ventilation

Proper ventilation is essential for dissipating the crayon odor. Open the windows and doors of your car to allow fresh air to circulate, especially when driving or parking in your garage. This will help in reducing the lingering smell.

Step 4: Utilize Cleaning Agents and Air Purifiers

Cleaning agents and air fresheners can be highly effective in eliminating the crayon smell. Consider using products such as Febreze Plug-in air fresheners, which can neutralize odors. Additionally, air purifiers like the Ozone Car Plugin can filter out toxic air and further reduce the odor.

Further Information: Best Air Purifier for Car

Step 5: Replace the Cabin Air Filter

The cabin air filter plays a crucial role in maintaining fresh-smelling air in your car. Regularly replace the cabin air filter to prevent the circulation of odorous particles and ensure a pleasant driving experience.

Step 6: Seal Trunk Holes with Duct Tape

Inspect the trunk for any holes or gaps that might be allowing the crayon smell to enter the cabin. Use duct tape to seal these openings, effectively preventing the odor from permeating the car interior.

Composition of Thermoplastic Adhesives Causing the Toxic Crayon Smell in Car

The distinctive and unpleasant crayon smell found in cars can be attributed to the composition of thermoplastic adhesive components used in various areas of the vehicle. 

These adhesives release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that contribute to the toxic odor. While manufacturers have claimed that the crayon smell has no impact on health, evidence suggests otherwise. 

Drivers of certain car models, such as the Mercedes Benz C-Class series and Volkswagen, have reported experiencing health issues, including dizziness, eye irritation, nausea, respiratory problems, headaches, and decreased immunity. 

Overview of Thermoplastic Adhesive Components

Thermoplastic adhesives are extensively used in car manufacturing due to their versatility and adhesive properties. 

These adhesives are composed of various components, including acrylics, cyanoacrylates, nitrocellulose, polyamides, polyesters, polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl acetate, and vinyl acetate-ethylene copolymer. Each component contributes to the overall properties and performance of the adhesive.

Health Implications of the Crayon Smell

Although manufacturers claim that the crayon smell has no effect on health, the presence of toxic VOCs in the emitted odor raises concerns. Inhaling these VOCs, especially in large quantities or prolonged exposure, can have underlying health implications. 

Drivers of certain car models have reported experiencing adverse symptoms, indicating that the manufacturers’ claims are unjustifiable. 

Dizziness, eye irritation, nausea, respiratory problems, headaches, and decreased immunity have been associated with the crayon smell in cars. Therefore, it is crucial to take steps to eliminate this unpleasant odor and minimize the potential health risks.

Final Words

The crayon smell in cars can be attributed to the composition of thermoplastic adhesive components used in various areas of the vehicle. These adhesives release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that contribute to the toxic odor. 

While manufacturers have claimed that the crayon smell has no impact on health, evidence suggests otherwise. Drivers of certain car models, such as the Mercedes Benz C-Class series and Volkswagen, have reported experiencing health issues, including dizziness, eye irritation, nausea, respiratory problems, headaches, and decreased immunity. 

Therefore, it is important to take steps to effectively eliminate the crayon smell and minimize the potential health risks. 

By following the recommended steps, such as removing excess thermoplastic adhesives, replacing sound deadeners, ensuring ventilation, utilizing cleaning agents and air purifiers, replacing the cabin air filter, and sealing trunk holes, you can restore a fresh and inviting car interior. 

Addressing the crayon smell will not only provide a more pleasant driving experience but also contribute to a healthier environment inside the vehicle.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do BMW interiors smell like crayons?

The distinctive crayon-like smell often noticed in BMW interiors is attributed to the materials used in the manufacturing process. BMW vehicles utilize certain types of plastics and adhesives that emit a scent reminiscent of crayons. This unique odor is a characteristic feature of BMW cars.

Does vinegar remove crayon?

Vinegar can be effective in removing crayon marks from various surfaces. Its acidic properties help break down the waxy residue left by crayons. However, when it comes to eliminating the crayon smell, vinegar may not be as effective.

Does baking soda remove crayon?

Baking soda is primarily used as a mild abrasive and odor absorber. While it can help with removing crayon marks from surfaces, it may not entirely eliminate the crayon smell.

Does lemon oil remove crayon?

Lemon oil is known for its cleaning properties and pleasant fragrance. It can be useful in removing crayon marks and may contribute to reducing the crayon smell. However, the effectiveness may vary depending on the specific circumstances and the intensity of the odor.

What does it mean if your car smells like crayons?

If your car smells like crayons, it is likely due to the presence of thermoplastic adhesives and materials used in the manufacturing of the vehicle. The crayon smell is a result of the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from these components, which can emit an odor reminiscent of crayons.

Is the crayon smell in my car toxic?

While the crayon smell itself may not be inherently toxic, the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from thermoplastic adhesives can have health implications, especially in high concentrations or prolonged exposure. It is advisable to take steps to minimize the odor and ensure good ventilation inside the car.

Which cars are more likely to have the burnt crayon smell?

The burnt crayon smell can be found in various car models, but it is more commonly reported in vehicles that utilize thermoplastic adhesives and materials in their interiors. Some specific car models, such as the Mercedes Benz C-Class series and Volkswagen, have been associated with drivers experiencing the crayon smell.

Are there natural remedies to eliminate the crayon smell?

Natural remedies can help in reducing the crayon smell in cars. Good ventilation, using baking soda or activated charcoal as odor absorbers, and utilizing essential oils with deodorizing properties, such as lemon oil, can contribute to minimizing the odor. However, complete elimination may require a combination of methods.

Can the crayon smell affect the resale value of a car?

The crayon smell, particularly if it persists and is noticeable, can potentially impact the resale value of a car. Buyers may be deterred by unpleasant odors and may perceive it as an indication of underlying issues. It is advisable to address the odor before selling a car to ensure a more appealing condition for potential buyers.

Kristen Park - Specialised Content Writer for Caresh Fresh

My name is Kristen Park and I am a senior writer specialising in how-to guides and home cleaning information at Cares Fresh. As a researcher, I take pride in digging deep to find every small detail on a topic and explaining it in a way that is easy for the reader to understand.