Can Guinea Pigs Use Cat Litter? Useful Guide

Ensuring the well-being of your beloved guinea pigs goes beyond providing them with a cozy home and a balanced diet. 

One often overlooked aspect of their care is the choice of bedding, a seemingly simple decision that can have significant consequences for their health. The wrong bedding can lead to various health issues, especially if ingested. 

This article delves into a critical question for guinea pig owners: Can cat litter be used as bedding for guinea pigs? 

We explore the potential risks associated with using cat litter and offer insights into safe bedding alternatives to prioritize the health and comfort of your furry companions. 

Whether you’re a seasoned guinea pig owner or a newcomer to these delightful pets, this information can benefit you by ensuring your pets live in a safe and comfortable environment.

Can Guinea Pigs Use Cat Litter

Can Guinea Pigs Use Cat Litter?

Guinea pigs, those delightful and gentle creatures known for their playful antics and endearing squeaks, are a beloved choice among small animal enthusiasts. 

However, their small size and delicate constitutions require special care, especially when it comes to choosing appropriate bedding materials. 

While cat litter is a common choice for cat owners, it’s crucial to understand that cat litter is not intended for guinea pigs and can pose serious risks to their health.

1. Clumping Litter: A High-Risk Choice

One of the most popular types of cat litter is clumping litter, which poses the highest risk to guinea pigs. Clumping litters are designed to form solid clumps when they come into contact with moisture, making it easy to scoop waste. 

However, when guinea pigs come into contact with clumping litter, it can be disastrous. Guinea pigs are more prone to chewing and ingesting litter than cats, which can lead to life-threatening intestinal blockages.

2. Silica and Clay-Based Litters: A Hazardous Mix

Silica or clay-based cat litters, often used for their absorbency, can be especially hazardous for guinea pigs if accidentally ingested. These litters can absorb moisture and expand inside the guinea pig’s digestive tract, leading to painful obstructions. 

Guinea pigs lack the ability to pass these materials naturally, resulting in constipation, distress, and a loss of appetite.

3. Respiratory Problems: Dust and Scents

Apart from the risks associated with ingestion, the use of cat litter can also lead to respiratory problems in guinea pigs. Many cat litters, especially those containing clay or crystals, produce significant dust when disturbed. 

Guinea pigs have sensitive respiratory systems, and inhaling this dust can lead to irritation, coughing, and other respiratory issues. Scented litters can be even more problematic, causing further irritation and discomfort for these delicate animals.

4. Alternative Cat Litters: Not Always Safe

While there are alternative cat litters made from natural materials like paper or wood pellets, they may still contain harmful dust or scents for guinea pigs.

Recycled paper cat litter can be used in emergencies but is not recommended for regular use due to its potential to create dust that can harm your pets.

Important information: Best Air Purifier for Cat Litter

What Litter Is Best For Guinea Pigs?

While there are several options available, one of the most suitable choices is paper pellets, which offer a host of advantages over other materials. 

In this article, we will delve into the reasons why paper pellets are the preferred litter choice for guinea pigs and explore other alternatives.

Paper Pellets: The Ideal Choice

Paper pellets, also known as recycled paper cat litter, have gained popularity among guinea pig owners due to their natural composition, absence of chemicals, and eco-friendly nature. 

These pellets are made from recycled paper, making them an environmentally responsible choice. Here’s why paper pellets are highly recommended for guinea pigs:

1. Natural Composition: Paper pellets are made from paper fibers, which are non-toxic and safe for guinea pigs. Guinea pigs have a natural tendency to nibble on their surroundings, including their litter, so it’s essential to choose a material that won’t harm them if ingested.

2. Absorbency: Paper pellets are highly absorbent, effectively trapping moisture and odors. This is vital for maintaining a clean and odor-free environment in your guinea pig’s habitat.

3. Chemical-Free: Commercial cat litters made from recycled paper are typically chemical-free, ensuring the safety of your guinea pigs. This is in stark contrast to some clay-based litters that may contain harmful chemicals.

4. Eco-Friendly: Using recycled paper for your guinea pig’s litter is an environmentally friendly choice. It reduces the demand for new paper production and helps in the recycling process.

Wood-Based Litters: An Alternative

While paper pellets are the preferred choice for many guinea pig owners, wood-based litters are also commonly used. These litters are usually made from natural wood fibers, and they offer some advantages as well as a few drawbacks:

1. Comfort: Guinea pigs find natural wood fiber litters comfortable to walk on, and some wood types even offer pleasant aromas that both guinea pigs and their owners can enjoy.

2. Odor Control: Cedar and pine are common wood types used in cat litter, and they are known for effectively masking guinea pig urine odors. However, wood litters are generally less effective at absorbing urine and odors compared to paper pellets.

3. Health Concerns: There have been concerns about the use of softwood litters like cedar and pine, which may release aromatic oils that could potentially cause liver diseases in guinea pigs when ingested.

Choosing Safe Litters

When selecting a litter for your guinea pig’s habitat, it’s essential to prioritize their health and safety:

1. Toxic-Free Materials: Guinea pigs have a natural tendency to chew on their litter, so choosing a toxic-free option is crucial to prevent them from consuming harmful substances.

2. Avoid Mixing or Adding Substances: Mixing or adding substances to litters can be dangerous for guinea pigs. Always check the ingredient list on litter packaging and research any risky mixtures or additives.

3. Ammonia Odor Control: Guinea pigs avoid smelly litter boxes, which can lead to a messy and unpleasant environment. Dusty litter boxes can emit a distinctive smell due to the presence of ammonia from urine. Using moisture-absorbing litters and maintaining regular cleaning can help reduce ammonia odors.

Important information: Best Air Purifier for Guinea Pigs

Cat Litter Bad For Guinea Pigs

While cat litter may seem like a convenient option, it’s essential to recognize that not all cat litters are safe for guinea pigs. 

In this guide, we will explore why some cat litters are detrimental to guinea pig health and what alternatives are available to ensure their well-being.

Identifying the Right Type of Cat Litter

Choosing the right type of cat litter for guinea pigs is paramount to their health and happiness. There are various cat litters on the market, but not all are created equal. 

To safeguard your guinea pig’s well-being, it is essential to distinguish between harmful and safe options.

Crystal Cat Litter

One of the most harmful choices for guinea pigs is crystal cat litter. This type of litter is often made up of tiny crystals that absorb moisture effectively. 

However, these crystals can pose a severe risk to guinea pigs if ingested. Crystal cat litter frequently contains chemicals to maintain its crystal form, which can be toxic to guinea pigs if consumed. Inhaling dust particles from this type of litter is also hazardous to their respiratory health.

Clumping Cat Litter

Clumping cat litter is another type that should be entirely avoided when it comes to guinea pig bedding. While it excels at clumping and absorbing moisture, it has the unfortunate ability to expand significantly in size when wet. 

This expansion can lead to blockages and digestive problems if ingested. Blockages caused by clumping litter can disrupt the guinea pig’s digestive system, resulting in severe health issues.

Clay Cat Litter

Although clay cat litter may not cause physical harm like clumping litter, it is still unsafe for guinea pigs if ingested. Inhaling dust particles from clay litter can lead to respiratory illnesses in guinea pigs, which can be particularly problematic for animals known for their sensitive respiratory systems. 

The ingestion of clay litter can also result in digestive problems and blockages, leading to severe discomfort for your furry friend.

What Do You Put In A Guinea Pig Litter Box?

The choice of bedding can impact your guinea pig’s hygiene, comfort, and overall well-being. In this article, we will explore various options for guinea pig litter box bedding, their pros and cons, and how to effectively use them.

1. Cotton Bedding:

Some guinea pig owners opt for cotton products like cloths or towels for bedding. Cotton is a comfortable, absorbent, and easy-to-clean material. Guinea pigs find it cozy to rest on, and it’s visually appealing. 

However, there are drawbacks to using cotton bedding. It needs frequent replacement to prevent odors from building up, which can be a bit of a hassle. In emergencies, cotton bedding can serve as a temporary solution, but it’s not ideal for long-term use.

2. Fleece Guinea Pig Liners:

Fleece guinea pig liners have been gaining popularity among owners due to their convenience. Fleece is soft, comfortable, and visually appealing, making it a favorite choice for both guinea pigs and their owners. 

These liners come in various colors and are reversible, allowing you to change the look of your pet’s enclosure easily. Perhaps the most significant advantage of fleece liners is their ability to effectively wick away moisture and control odors. 

They also come in different sizes to fit various cage floors, making it easier to find the perfect fit for your pet’s habitat.

However, daily spot cleaning is necessary to remove food spills and waste. The frequency of full washing depends on cage size, the number of guinea pigs you have, and their diet, typically ranging from every 2 to 6 days. 

While fleece liners might be more expensive initially, they are cost-effective in the long run due to their durability. You can either purchase pre-made fleece guinea pig liners or make your own if you’re feeling crafty.

3. Hay Bedding:

Hay is a cost-effective bedding option, but guinea pigs tend to eat it. While this isn’t necessarily a problem since hay is a crucial part of their diet, it does make keeping the cage clean a bit challenging. 

Hay is not the best choice for odor control, as it retains moisture and can become messy. To use hay in the litter box effectively, place it about 1 inch thick in one section of the box and use cardboard to separate it from the rest of the litter. This encourages your guinea pigs to use the box for chewing while keeping waste separate.

4. Paper-Based Bedding:

Paper-based bedding is highly absorbent and does an excellent job of controlling urine odors. It comes in various forms, including pellets and shavings, and is generally safe for guinea pigs. 

However, avoid using newspaper shavings due to potential ink hazards. Like hay, paper bedding requires frequent cleaning to prevent odors from becoming overwhelming.

5. Aspen Bedding:

Aspen shavings are commonly used in guinea pig cages and are effective at odor control. They are safe for guinea pigs as they are dust-free and odorless. However, pine and cedar bedding should be avoided due to the presence of toxic oils. 

Additionally, some guinea pigs may be allergic to specific wood shavings. To ensure your pet’s comfort, you can supplement aspen bedding with fleece or cotton bedding.

Training Your Guinea Pig to Use a Litter Box:

Training your guinea pig to use a litter box can be a bit challenging, but with patience, it can be accomplished. Here are some tips:

  • Spread the chosen bedding at least 1 inch thick in the litter box.
  • For guinea pigs that love to dig, increase the litter depth to 2-3 inches.
  • Fill the box with bedding up to about 2/3 of its capacity.
  • Place the litter box in a location where your guinea pig frequently eliminates.
  • Be patient; not all guinea pigs will grasp the concept quickly.
  • Maintain a litter depth of at least 1 inch, or more for diggers.
  • Ensure the litter covers about 2/3 of the litter box’s capacity.


In conclusion, while cat litter might be suitable for cats, it is not the ideal choice for guinea pigs. Due to their specific needs, it’s best to opt for bedding materials that prioritize their comfort, health, and safety. 

Paper-based bedding, aspen shavings, and fleece bedding are all excellent alternatives that cater to these requirements. Remember, your guinea pig’s well-being should always be the top priority.

Kristen Park - Specialised Content Writer for Caresh Fresh

My name is Kristen Park and I am a senior writer specialising in how-to guides and home cleaning information at Cares Fresh. As a researcher, I take pride in digging deep to find every small detail on a topic and explaining it in a way that is easy for the reader to understand.