How To Remove Formaldehyde From Wood Furniture

Wood furniture is a beautiful and timeless addition to any home, offering a sense of warmth and sophistication. However, one common concern with wood furniture, especially when it’s newly acquired, is the presence of formaldehyde. 

Formaldehyde is a chemical compound commonly used in the manufacturing process of wood products, but its off-gassing can pose health risks. 

In this article, we will guide you through effective methods to remove formaldehyde from wood furniture, ensuring a healthier and safer environment for you and your loved ones.

How To Remove Formaldehyde From Wood Furniture

Important information: Our Choice for Best Air Purifiers

How To Remove Formaldehyde From Wood Furniture

Formaldehyde is a colorless gas with a pungent odor that’s widely used in various industries, including furniture manufacturing. It’s used in adhesives and finishes to bind wood particles together and provide a smooth, polished look.

Exposure to formaldehyde can lead to health issues such as respiratory problems, eye irritation, and even allergic reactions. Prolonged exposure may increase the risk of certain cancers.

Detecting Formaldehyde in Wood Furniture and Signs of Formaldehyde Presence

In recent years, there has been growing concern over the release of formaldehyde from wood furniture and the subsequent need for effective detection methods. 

The Importance of Detecting Formaldehyde in Wood Furniture

Formaldehyde is often used in the production of composite wood products, such as particleboard, plywood, and medium-density fiberboard (MDF). 

These materials are commonly used in the construction of furniture due to their affordability and versatility. However, the formaldehyde-containing resins used in these products can emit the gas over time, leading to potential health concerns for individuals exposed to high levels of formaldehyde.

Exposure to elevated levels of formaldehyde can lead to various health issues, ranging from mild irritations to more severe respiratory and systemic problems. 

Short-term effects may include eye, nose, and throat irritation, while prolonged exposure has been linked to respiratory illnesses and can exacerbate conditions such as asthma. 

Therefore, detecting formaldehyde in wood furniture is essential to ensure indoor air quality and safeguard the well-being of occupants.

Signs of Formaldehyde Presence in Wood Furniture

Several indicators can suggest the presence of formaldehyde in wood furniture. These signs are often noticeable through sensory cues or changes in the physical characteristics of the furniture:

Odor: One of the most distinct signs of formaldehyde presence is a strong, pungent odor resembling that of pickled or preserved substances. 

If you notice an intense smell emanating from your wood furniture, it might indicate formaldehyde emissions.

Irritation: People in close proximity to formaldehyde-emitting furniture may experience symptoms such as eye, nose, or throat irritation. This discomfort can be an early indicator of formaldehyde exposure.

Physical Changes: Formaldehyde emissions can cause changes in the appearance of wood furniture. Warping, bubbling, or discoloration of the furniture’s finish could be attributed to the release of formaldehyde gas.

Health Symptoms: Prolonged exposure to formaldehyde can lead to health symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, and respiratory issues. If occupants of a space consistently experience these symptoms, formaldehyde emissions might be a potential cause.

Methods for Detecting Formaldehyde in Wood Furniture

Several methods are available for detecting formaldehyde emissions from wood furniture:

Air Quality Testing: Indoor air quality testing involves using specialized equipment to measure the concentration of formaldehyde gas in the air. These tests provide quantitative data on the levels of formaldehyde present in the environment.

Home Test Kits: DIY home test kits are available that allow individuals to collect air samples and send them to a laboratory for analysis. While these kits provide convenient options for homeowners, professional testing often yields more accurate results.

Odor Detection: As formaldehyde has a distinct odor, a strong smell emitting from furniture can be a sign of its presence. However, this method is qualitative and does not provide specific concentration levels.

Infrared Spectroscopy: Infrared spectroscopy is a laboratory technique that can accurately measure formaldehyde levels in materials. It involves analyzing the absorption of infrared light by the chemical bonds in the material.

Removing Formaldehyde from Wood Furniture: Effective Mitigation Strategies

When formaldehyde emissions are detected, taking proactive measures to reduce exposure becomes essential. 

This guide explores various effective strategies to remove formaldehyde from wood furniture, ensuring a safer and healthier living environment.

1. Proper Ventilation

Proper ventilation is a simple yet crucial step to dissipate formaldehyde gases and improve indoor air quality. Placing the furniture in a well-ventilated area or using fans to circulate air can aid in the gradual removal of formaldehyde fumes. 

Concentrating on ensuring good airflow is especially important in rooms with formaldehyde-emitting furniture.

2. Sunlight Exposure

Natural sunlight can facilitate the breakdown of formaldehyde molecules. Position the furniture in an area where it receives direct sunlight for a few hours each day. 

Sunlight helps to break down the chemical bonds of formaldehyde, aiding in the off-gassing process.

3. Baking Soda Solution

Baking soda is renowned for its odor-neutralizing properties. Create a solution by mixing baking soda and water, and then gently wipe down the furniture’s surfaces. This can help neutralize formaldehyde odors and contribute to reducing its presence.

4. Vinegar and Water Mixture

Vinegar is another effective natural solution for absorbing odors, including those of formaldehyde. Mix vinegar and water and use it to wipe down your furniture. 

This simple yet powerful mixture can help reduce formaldehyde odors lingering on the furniture.

5. Using Commercial Products Safely

If opting for commercial products designed to remove formaldehyde, carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Apply the product in a well-ventilated area to prevent the buildup of fumes. Additionally, ensure that the product does not come into contact with your skin or other sensitive surfaces.

6. Adsorbing Formaldehyde with Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is highly effective at adsorbing various particles and chemicals, including formaldehyde. Place activated charcoal near the furniture to absorb formaldehyde particles from the surrounding air. This can help reduce the concentration of formaldehyde in the indoor environment.

7. Choosing the Right Air Purifier

Selecting an air purifier with a formaldehyde-specific filter can be a valuable investment. These purifiers are designed to capture formaldehyde molecules from the air, improving indoor air quality. Regular maintenance and cleaning of the purifier are essential to ensure optimal performance.

8. Seeking Professional Help

For older furniture with severe formaldehyde issues, or if the DIY methods prove inadequate, seeking professional refinishing services is advisable. 

Experienced refinishing experts can safely remove and mitigate formaldehyde emissions from the furniture.

9. Regular Cleaning

Frequent cleaning of your furniture with a damp cloth is important to remove dust and particles that might contain traces of formaldehyde. Keeping the surfaces clean can contribute to reducing overall exposure.

10. Avoiding Harsh Chemicals

When cleaning or maintaining furniture, opt for gentle, natural cleaning agents. Harsh chemicals can potentially react with formaldehyde residues and exacerbate indoor air quality issues. Choosing natural alternatives ensures a safer approach to furniture maintenance.


Removing formaldehyde from wood furniture is crucial for maintaining a healthy living environment. 

By following these methods, you can effectively reduce formaldehyde exposure, ensuring that your furniture enhances the beauty of your home without compromising your well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does formaldehyde in furniture go away?

Formaldehyde emissions from furniture can decrease over time due to a process called off-gassing. This is the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air as the formaldehyde contained in materials gradually breaks down.

The rate at which formaldehyde dissipates depends on factors like the type of furniture, ventilation, temperature, and humidity.

While the levels may decrease over time, it’s important to note that some furniture may continue to emit formaldehyde for an extended period.

Does vinegar remove formaldehyde from furniture?

Vinegar is sometimes recommended as a natural remedy to help reduce formaldehyde odors from furniture. While it might help mask the smell temporarily, it’s not a guaranteed method to completely remove formaldehyde.

More effective options involve proper ventilation, using activated carbon air purifiers, and giving the furniture time to off-gas in a well-ventilated area.

What is the fastest way to remove formaldehyde?

The fastest way to expedite formaldehyde removal is to increase ventilation in the area where the furniture is placed. Opening windows, using fans, and using air purifiers with activated carbon filters can help speed up the off-gassing process.

What is the best formaldehyde remover?

Activated carbon-based air purifiers are often considered effective for removing formaldehyde and other VOCs from indoor air. Look for air purifiers specifically designed to target VOCs and check customer reviews for their performance.

Does baking soda remove formaldehyde?

Baking soda is not a reliable method for removing formaldehyde from furniture. While it can help neutralize odors to some extent, it’s not designed to target or eliminate VOCs like formaldehyde.

Does IKEA furniture have formaldehyde?

IKEA, like many furniture manufacturers, has faced concerns about formaldehyde emissions in the past. However, they have taken steps to reduce formaldehyde levels in their products and adhere to regulations and standards.

It’s recommended to check IKEA’s product information and labels, as well as any provided certifications, to ensure you are well-informed about the materials used in their furniture.

Can formaldehyde be washed off?

Formaldehyde is a gas at room temperature and cannot be simply washed off surfaces. It’s embedded in the materials used to make furniture and other products. Off-gassing and ventilation are the primary methods for reducing formaldehyde emissions from these materials.

Is it safe to buy furniture with formaldehyde warning?

If furniture comes with a formaldehyde warning, it’s important to take it seriously but also consider the context. Many products, especially those made with engineered wood or composite materials, can contain formaldehyde.

Exposure to low levels of formaldehyde over time is generally considered safe for most people, but sensitive individuals might experience symptoms like eye, nose, or throat irritation.

To minimize potential risks, ensure proper ventilation and consider purchasing products with lower formaldehyde emissions or certifications indicating low VOC levels.

Does all wood furniture have formaldehyde?

Solid wood furniture typically contains much lower levels of formaldehyde compared to furniture made from engineered wood products like plywood, particleboard, or MDF (medium-density fiberboard). Solid wood itself does not emit significant amounts of formaldehyde. However, finishes, adhesives, or treatments applied to solid wood furniture might contain formaldehyde.

Does solid wood furniture have formaldehyde?

Solid wood furniture itself usually contains minimal formaldehyde emissions. However, if the furniture has been treated with finishes, stains, or adhesives that contain formaldehyde-based compounds, there could be trace amounts present. Always check the product information, labels, and certifications to get a better understanding of the materials used in solid wood furniture.

Kristen Park - Specialised Content Writer for Caresh Fresh

My name is Kristen Park and I am a senior writer specialising in how-to guides and home cleaning information at Cares Fresh. As a researcher, I take pride in digging deep to find every small detail on a topic and explaining it in a way that is easy for the reader to understand.